Services for organizations and individuals

Change starts from within.

Our services.

  • Strategic Advising

    When you don’t just need a consultant, you need an adaptive partner. I provide collaborative consulting to get you unstuck in your leadership or project.

  • Executive + Team Coaching

    Big shifts in our political and social landscapes have made it harder for many professionals to live and lead from a place of power. The good news is, we have more choice that we think. I help clients do just that in a way that is tailored to them and in the context of their organization.

  • Facilitation + Training

    Sometimes we need an outside perspective to help our teams work through challenging issues and lift each other up. I provide workshop, retreat, and program design and facilitation to help you get the most out of your time together.

  • Leadership 360

    We need context in order to be the best leaders for our organizations. I use a proprietary interview-based 360 and growth assessment to help staff lead effectively.